75 years ago the bombing of Hiroshima showed the appalling destructive power of the atomic bomb.  Mark Cousins’ bold new documentary looks at death in the atomic age, but life too.  Using only archive film and a new musical score by the band Mogwai,  Atomic shows us an impressionistic kaleidoscope of our nuclear times: protest marches, Cold War sabre rattling, Chernobyl and Fukishima, but also the sublime beauty of the atomic world, and how X Rays and MRI scans have improved human lives.  The nuclear age has been a nightmare, but dreamlike too.

Director: Mark Cousins, English, 71 minutes, 2016

How to Watch Now

First Step

Watch Now $12

Purchase a ticket to watch the film online. 

Do not close your browser until you are redirected to the ticket number or click on the button "Proceed to the ticket page" after PayPal checkout.

Second Step

Got a ticket? Go to Watch Now to screen the film online or to download on your computer. If you closed the browser window before an automatic redirect to the ticket number or lost your ticket number, please contact us.

General technical requirements:

Streaming video on i-Pad or i-Phone requires iOS 6.0 or newer and a High Speed Internet access via Wi-Fi for smooth playback. Install Google Chrome to watch movies instantly on your Android tablet.

Recommended browsers:

Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox Mobile, Safari iOS6+ and the latest versions of Android browser / Chrome