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Tagged by Roger Ebert as the most influential film critic of the late twentieth century, the film tells the story of Pauline’s turbulent life and work, through never-seen archival footage, her published writing and personal letters, and interviews with both friends and foes of her pen. Pauline is voiced by Sarah Jessica Parker, and participants include Quentin Tarantino, Camille Paglia, David O. Russell, Molly Haskell, Francis Ford Coppola, and daughter Gina James.

How to Watch Now

First Step

Purchase a ticket to watch the film online. 

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Second Step

Got a ticket? Go to Watch Now to screen the film online or to download on your computer. If you closed the browser window before an automatic redirect to the ticket number or lost your ticket number, please contact us.

General technical requirements:

Streaming video on i-Pad or i-Phone requires iOS 6.0 or newer and a High Speed Internet access via Wi-Fi for smooth playback. Install Google Chrome to watch movies instantly on your Android tablet.

Recommended browsers:

Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox Mobile, Safari iOS6+ and the latest versions of Android browser / Chrome